Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Corrupt Judge Sharan Chatman issues fake restraining orders

Judge Sharon Chatman has destroyed my family.

She failed to disqualify when the law required.
The Father of my son and his girlfriend promised the court & Judge Chatman that girlfriend wasn't going to be present at any exchange because that would create unnecessary situations that don't need to be created. For example, cause tension and stress to my 4 year old son.
The girlfriend, at the time, had a restraining order against me which Judge Chatman issued.
I tried to file a restraining order on basis that the girlfriend continuously harassed me at the exchanges and caused drama in front of my son.
The girlfriend had no reason to be at any of the exchanges.
Judge Sharon Chatman granted my restraining order on June 2009. Then on July 2009 she reversed the order and made the Father of my son and his girlfriend promised and swore under penalty and perjury that the girlfriend was not to be present.
Since the girlfriend has the restraining order she had the power to protect herself. Instead she manipulated the process by making frivolous police reports.
5 police reports were made:


All the same violation, "Violation of Restraining Order"
The girlfriend would show up to all the exchanges, call the police and at times I was arrested in front of my son. All charges have been dismissed although the abuse didn't end there.
The girlfriend abused and continues to abuse my son. I tried to show & explain to Judge Sharon Chatman what was going on and she turned her cheek.
On 04/21/2011 Judge Sharon Chatman gave Temporary Custody to the Father because of all the "Police Reports" made during the exchanges!!! CRAZY!
On 07/2011 there was a hearing on a new restraining order that the father was trying to obtain but it was denied because the Father contradicted himself. On the DV100 form the Father made certain statements and later in the hearing he admitted to being the aggressor on the 03/2011 incident. Judge Chatman turned her cheek AGAIN and didn't penalize the Father for lying to the courts.
The courts took my son away for no reason. Reasons based on Father and Girlfriend's testimony.
The father and his girlfriend are Meth users and have been in and out of Rehab, unemployed and domestic violence history.
Judge Chatman's abuse didn't end there
On 08/2011 Judge Chatman put me on supervised visitation due to father and girlfriend statements
Ion 12/2011 I showed Judge Chatman satisfactory reports and she was still not satisfied.
Judge Chatman was moved to criminal court and tried to carry my case over to criminal court and Family court didn't allow her.

Corrupt Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Sharon Chatman issues fraudulent restraining orders that serve no legitimate purpose but to harass litigants, and to manipulate the results of court proceedings.  The problem with fake restraining orders is rampant and out of control in Santa Clara County, California Superior Court System. Please help expose Corrupt Judge Sharon Chatman and the other judges in Santa Clara County who are nothing but criminals who cheat the public and commit fraud.  See also: Manoukian Family Trust


Several Santa Clara County California Superior Court Judges are known to engage in the corrupt practice of issuing fraudulent restraining orders and criminal protective orders that have no merit and serve no legitimate purpose except to harass crime victims, dissuade witnesses and to manipulate the results of court proceedings in a manner which would benefit the judges personal interest


This is an interview with Ashley Harris, a victim of Child Protective Services / Family Court Corruption in Santa Clara County, California. In this graphicly disturbing video, Ashley tells of her horrific abuse at the hands of CPS Social Worker: Anthony Nkwo-Okere

Santa Clara County Child Protective Services & Family Court are a mafia like human trafficking network that functions under the guise of a legitimate public service entity.  Fraudulent Restraining Orders like those issued by Corrupt Judge Sharon Chatman are for the purpose of PARENTAL ALIENATION which is a FORM OF CHILD ABUSE.  Other Judges in Santa Clara County who are  issue Fraudulent Restraining Orders are David Cena, Socrates Peter Manoukian and Rodney Stafford.  These are not legitimate judges.  They nothing but lying, thieving scandalous criminals who are making fortunes stealing public funds. These detestable degenerate parasites have contributed nothing to the benefit of society and have never earned an honest dollar in their lives.

Corrupt Santa Clara County, California Superior Court Judge Rodney Stafford participates in acts of witness dissuasion and issues Fraudulent Restraining OrdersRestraining Order abuse is when a Judge such as Stafford issues an unmerited restraining order against an individual, and/or the misuse of that order for any sort harassment, malicious mischief against the subject, or personal gain for the holder, rather than its intended purpose of protection. For a more complete description and discussion on the topic of restraining orders, check out Talking back to restraining orders. See Also: Manoukian Family Trust and Bamattre Family Trust

This Corrupt California Judge: Socrates Peter Manoukian is also a real estate tycoon. For more info, visit: Manoukian Family Trust. Manoukian is also famous for his Fraudulent Restraining Orders